
How Can Organizations Use Technology To Facilitate The Control Function

Managing Engineering in Operations Management


In last decade or and then applied science has inverse the way organization bear their business concern. Appearance of engineering in performance management has increased productivity of the organization.

Technology and Operations Management

The telescopic of Applied science and functioning direction has evolved over a catamenia of time and has moved from development of products into design, management and comeback of operating arrangement and processes.

Usage of technology in functioning management has ensured that organizations are able to reduce the cost, amend the delivery process, standardize and improve quality and focus on customization, thereby creating value for customers.

Integration of Technology with Production Organization

Technology drives efficiency in arrangement and increases' productivity of the organization. However, bringing technology in the production system is highly complex procedure, and it needs to following steps:

Technology Acquisition: technology acquired should align with overall objectives of the system and should exist canonical after elaborate cost-do good analysis.

Technology Integration: technology affects all aspects of production i.eastward. capital, labour and customer. Therefore, a solid technology integration plan is required.

Engineering Verification: once technology integrated, information technology is important to check whether technology is delivering operational effectiveness and is been used to its fullest.

Technology in Manufacturing and Pattern

Technology is getting extensively used in customization of blueprint products and services. The usage of computers and supporting electronic systems is integral part of modern industrial and services manufacture. Current techniques can be broadly classified into following categories:

Computer-Aided Design (CAD): CAD facilitates linking of two more than circuitous components of pattern at very high level of accuracy thus delivering higher productivity.

Computer-Aided Manufacturing System (CAM): Precision is very essential in operating any machines and therefore, Computerized Numerically Controlled machines are used, thus ensuring highest level of accuracy.

Standard for the Substitution of Product Information: As the name suggests product blueprint is transmitted amid CAM and CAM in three dimensions. Standard for The Exchange of Production Data process sharing of product across all phases of product life cycle and serves every bit neutral file exchange.

Software Systems in Manufacturing

At that place are various software systems available to integrated operations and manufacturing functions with other business organization functions of organisation. Some of the mutual software systems are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply-Chain Management (SCM), New-Product Development (NPD) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) links all business functions like manufacturing, marketing, human resource and finance through a common software platform. The main benefits of the ERP solution are that it not but reduces database errors but too delivers value to customer through faster commitment and social club fulfillment.

Automation in Production and Operations

Automation reduces manual intervention in the manufacturing process. It increases productivity and reduces margin of fault thereby facilitating economies of scale. There is this-advantages of automation also, such every bit unemployment, loftier breakdown cost and initial capital letter investment. Therefore, automation may not be suitable in all situations and in the end alignment with an overall organization objective is of import.


Applied science can exist facilitating factor in bringing about change in operations and production direction. Simply information technology may not exist feasible to utilize engineering in all aspects with challenge coming through high initial price of investment, loftier cost of maintenance and mismanagement.

Authorship/Referencing - About the Writer(s)

The article is Written By "Prachi Juneja" and Reviewed Past Management Written report Guide Content Team. MSG Content Team comprises experienced Faculty Member, Professionals and Field of study Matter Experts. Nosotros are a ISO 2001:2015 Certified Education Provider. To Know more than, click on About Us. The apply of this material is free for learning and education purpose. Please reference authorship of content used, including link(s) to and the content page url.

How Can Organizations Use Technology To Facilitate The Control Function,


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